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Volume 4: Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity
A Special Edition on the Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre
Guest Editors: Nathan Pinkoski & Dominic Burbidge
Table of Contents
D. Burbidge & N. Pinkoski, Introduction to the Special Issue on Alasdair MacIntyre
G Sigalet, Waldron's Challenge to Aristotelians: On the Political Relevance of Moral Realism
A Duff, The Problem of Rule in MacIntyre's Politics and Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity
S Salkever, On Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: MacIntyre, Strauss and Modern Aristotelianism
J Sanford, Whose Aristotelianism? MacIntyre, Neo-Aristotelianism, and Morality
C Lutz, Alasdair MacIntyre's Ethics of Practical Reasoning: Morality in Practice
B McCluskey, Towards a Historicist Thomism: MacIntyre's Tradition-Based Rationality and Its Criterion of Truth and Falsehood
T Paár, Retorting Arguments, Overcoming Limitations, Aiming at Truth: A Comparison of MacIntyre and Transcendental neo-Thomism
R Beadle, On Running Away to The Circus
K Knight, A Radical's Critique of Rights
ISSN: 2543-666X
Volume 4: Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity
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